“加州中華工商婦女企業管理協會”/Chinese Women’s Business Association of California (CWBAC) 於2017年5月成立於加州洛杉磯,為政府立案之501(C)(3)非營利組織。總會CWBA成立于於台北,1980年6月29日。 全球十多個國家皆設有分會, 並于各國締結眾多優良素質的姐妹會,會員們為來自各行各業能夠獨當一面的華人女企業家翹楚。同時有聘有強大的顧問團,能夠隨時互動,指導,以及資源共享。
The Chinese Women’s Business Association of California (CWBAC) was a non‑profit 501(C)(3) organization established in Los Angeles, California U.S.A. in May 2017. CWBAC was federated with Taipei CWBA (established on June 29, 1980), CWBA has federations in different countries and many sisterhood associations globally. Members in CWBAC are the leading Chinese female entrepreneurs from various industries and who are outstanding in their own professions. CWBAC also has a strong advisory board that can provide advises and share resources with members.
Chinese Women’s Business Associatiion of California
560 W. Main St., Ste C, #818, Alhambra, CA 91801